Virtual gallery wooden sculptures

On this page you can find some real life examples of artwork in a home or office setting. The wooden wall sculptures can really personalize a room or a part of a room. The natural look of wood will go well with both pure and sober colors as well as more colorful settings.

These examples allow you to see sculptures as if they were at your place or in your office. If you are looking for a touch of personality in an architectural context, the sculptures or objects can be this particular ingredient that stands out and makes a place memorable.

sculptures in wood, antonius Driessens

sculpture Malevich in wood

Wall sculpture Malevich black square

wooden sculptures driftwood and charred wood

wooden sculptures driftwood and charred wood

Macparis 2015 Antonius Driessens

november 2016

Wooden wall sculptures and luminescent sculpture

Wooden wall sculptures and luminescent sculpture